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Teachers and media specialists, we are totally in love with you! You are sheroes and heroes on the front lines during this COVID-19 pandemic.


Linda joins Virginia in being especially appreciative. Virginia comes from three generations of teachers stretching back to the late 1800s!!! She herself is a teacher at a small college in NJ and has worked in libraries in three states. Her daughter is a Special Education teacher in Boston. 


So, we are mindful of the particular needs teachers and media specialists have to keep students interested and engaged as their learning methods and locations are shifting from day-to-day during this pandemic.


The books in the Sandra Troux Mysteries series are especially right for high schoolers and are available to all libraries in ebook and print versions. 


Click on the book icons below for direct library links to the Sandra Troux mysteries.
Secrets at the Abbott House (frontcover)

Soon the first book in our new Troux Sleuth middle grade reader series, Theft of History, will also be available.


And we are thrilled that all our books will be coming soon in audio form!!


Our books are available via Overdrive, Ingram, BookBaby, and Amazon. 


You can get all current titles in ebook ersions. We’ll soon be sending out a fact sheet with all the pertinent information you need to buy copies of STM publications.


Please invite us to visit your students for a discussion, an interview or book talk via skype, facetime, zoom, or any other online platform compatible with your school. We’d love to talk with your students about writing and find out what they’ve been writing, too! Contact us!

© 2016 - 2022 Sandra Troux Mysteries.  All Rights Reserved.

Website Design by Lisa Tan

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